Heat Waves in Cameroon; cautions, precautions

By Ndimuh B. Shancho


The heat is on in Cameroon and getting worse with every passing day. The negative effects of climate change in Cameroon has since transcended natural disasters like deadly landslides and flooding to rising temperature, with heat waves becoming the new reality. Heatwaves, according to World Meteorological Organization, is a period where local excess heat accumulates over a sequence of unusually hot days and nights.

The Cameroon National Observatory on Climate Change (ONACC) in its 10-Day Climate Bulletin published January 2, 2024 raised alarm about an anticip

Heat waves, a real threat to lives and livelihoods. Photo Credit: EPW

ated heatwave set to sweep across different localities in the East, Centre, North and Far North regions of Cameroon in January 2024. The Deputy Managing Director of ONACC, Mr. Forghab Patrick, said on the national radio that the situation will persist till early April 2024, with average temperature expected to hit 40oC.

Just like other climate change-induced disasters, heatwaves can pose serious environmental, economic, social, and health risks such as asthma complications, heart attacks, heart failure, malaria, meningitis and conjunctivitis amongst others.

The heat is on! more climate actions needed.

Mr. Forghab, like other meteorologists, advise all those in areas experiencing unusual temperature increase and heat waves to stay hydrated by drinking a lot of water, dress lightly, stay away from the scorching sun and excessive heat, shower with lukewarm water without wiping, avoid turning on heat-sources as much as possible and endeavor to drink hot beverages.

In the midst of the rising temperature, the ONACC Deputy Managing Director opines that “we are going to start having the first rains this month of February especially in the coastal part of the country”. He adds: “don’t be surprised that in February, we may record situations of floods”. According to Mr. Forghab, the rising temperature will begin normalizing by early April when heavy rains set in.

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